Updated May 22, 2012.If you want to be invited to S.E.C.R.E.T. please be sure to include your character@handle in a game mail to @KenpoJuJitsu3 or @Supercollide. Also, post here.
-Do you enjoy playing PvE in Champions Online?
-Do you enjoy teaming even if you
can solo the missions because it's fun to smash bad guys in a group?
-Do you enjoy interacting with and helping newer players?
-Do you need help/advise on some build ideas you have and/or someone to test them with?
-Do you need help amassing funds for retcons?
Are you a new player to the game and/or a silver player?
If so S.E.C.R.E.T. may be the supergroup for you. S.E.C.R.E.T. is the Selective Elite Champions Reinforcement Emergency Team. We're who the Champions call when the job is too big and it simply must be done. We are the special forces branch of the Champions. Vibora Bay apocalypse? Yeah,
we stopped that.
S.E.C.R.E.T. is currently a supergroup that started small at launch (though some members have been here since Beta) with myself and some of my close family and friends playing Champions Online. We've since grown and spent a lot of time helping people with missions when we see requests through zone chat, helping people with build ideas, testing builds in the Powerhouse and helping people with retcon costs so they can be the hero they want to be. So to further that end I talked with the other members and decided to open the SG up for other like-minded players.
Basically we're a group of dedicated Champions Online players who just like to log in, run missions, have fun and help other people get more enjoyment out of the game we enjoy so much. No muss, no fuss. When we voice chat we use
The requirements are fairly simple:
1) Enjoys playing Champions Online and logs in regularly to play. (characters who haven't been signed in for at least 3 months may be removed from the SG to make room for more active players).
2) Enjoys teaming and interacting with the group. SG members are expected to join in on the SG chat and to join teams
somewhat regularly. Players who are anti-social on the chat, ignore chat, ignore tells and/or frequently ignore teaming except when
they need help will be kicked.
3) Mature members please (mature in mind, not in age).
4) Roleplaying is completely optional. If you're RPing let the other members know and remember to ((insert text here)) when breaking character.
There is also a dedicated RP channel for S.E.C.R.E.T.
5) Loot is openly compared and shared amongst the members. We don't hog loot in S.E.C.R.E.T. The vault is open to everyone who has reached member level (take what you need, contribute what you can) and several members keep a decent amount of gear stored elsewhere that they are willing to share when needed. Just ask.
6) Alts are welcome. No limit on alts per account.
7) SG costume is optional though appreciated if you make one.
Send me a tell/message in game to @KenpoJuJitsu3 or @supercollide if you are interested. Do not just post here.
Oren Steiner
Red Dragon
Welcome aboard. I look forward to running some more missions and/or working on build ideas with all of you. Had a blast doing those VH instances yesterday!
More of the starting members should be on this weekend, if all goes well, to team up and introduce themselves.
Vikol Tecknikol
Welcome to S.E.C.R.E.T. and for some of you welcome to Champions Online. I look forward to running more missions with you in the near future, helping the newer players get acclimated to the game, and having some more in-team duels with those of you who like to throw that duel rocket at me out of the blue.
Might even have to schedule some team-based dueling events for us.
Wazdakka Gutsmek
The 'Crushing' Shield
Welcome to S.E.C.R.E.T. Looking forward to running some missions and 'fighting the good fight' with you in the near future.
Cold Ethyl
Freddy Mech-Fury
Welcome aboard, I look forward to gaming with all of you.
Welcome aboard.
(Congrats on the influx of new members!)
I read your post and I'm interested in joining. I'm playing Captian Positron (electical based hero).
Your invite has been sent.
Edit: S.E.C.R.E.T. would like to welcome Captain Positron to its ranks. Welcome aboard. Captain Positron will have to run some missions with Storm Bringer, Spark Trigger and or Raijin Claudia. Should be very interesting with that much electricity flying around.
Positrons are the opposite of electrons IIRC. Opposite charge, opposite spin, same mass. Sooooo anti-electricity in a sense but you knew that.
Positrons don't have anything to do with the electrical systems in our homes, but on a fundamental level positrons produce electric fields, currents, radio and light waves, etc just like electrons do. It's the same kind of electricity, not "anti", so in particular macroscopic amounts of anti-matter (if they existed and could be stored) would be visible to our eyes, because they would reflect and absorb light just as we are used to.
Rather than not interacting with matter, anti-matter annihilates on contact with it. A superhero that could control and manipulate positrons could cause electrical phenomena in empty space, but it is true that if he used his powers on earth it would be more like emitting heat and dangerous radiation (X Rays and such).
Well, I made Captain Positron with my nemesis in mind. You see, my nemesis, Captain Electron had created a rip in the fabric of the universe that separates my Earth from your Earth. I was able to seal that hole but the explosion tossed me into your world. It seems that it also allowed me to use my powers here without destroying everything. So while I'm here, I'll battle evil as I continue my search to return me to my own world. Hope that helps in understanding me a little more!
LOL, nice play on words. More than welcome to join.
Artillery, Arsenal Gear and Ordnance
Back Row: Star Streamer, Kalahndra the Dark Spawn
Front Row: Sarien, Captain Positron, Sho Nuff, Victoria the Elf, Simmons
Star Streamer and Star Breaker
Sarien, Sho Nuff and Star Streamer after helping plant Qwijibo in the ground.
Welcome to S.E.C.R.E.T. I had a blast running those VH instances with you and the rest of the squad yesterday. Your healing was much appreciated.
id love to join! Just created my account so no char yet created. which server are u in...
Your character page says you have 3 characters created right now...tell me which one(s) you'd like to sign up.
There aren't specific servers people play on in CO. Everyone is on the same server.
ill be on later...hope i can join!
All of your toons are welcome to join us. When I see you in game later I'll start sending the invites to your toons (the ones you want in S.E.C.R.E.T) and then I'll walk you through making the SG costume.
Do you want me to invite all of them or just Krane?
Your invites have been sent.
Black Lioness, Sojourner, Mechasaurus,Viperstar
Krane, Mortifero
Welcome to S.E.C.R.E.T. I look forward to gaming with you in the near future....as soon I as get used to the new Ren Center and...oooooo new costume options! What were we talking about?
Man of Stone
Welcome to S.E.C.R.E.T., hope you enjoy your stay
Below are some screenshots of what S.E.C.R.E.T. was up to yesterday:
Back Row: Viperstar, Man of Stone
Front Row: Creed, Sho Nuff, T.A.C.
Preparing for Serpent Lantern
Charging into Battle
The Tag Team Combo
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6
More Tag Team
And still more
In this corner...S.E.C.R.E.T.
And in this corner...Freon and some other guys about to go down
Screenshots don't show it but we were having a blast and there's lots of friendly banter and comraderie going on in the chat window amongst us.
If you're looking for a fun group to join, give us a look and drop me a line.
You don't have to convince me you're good enough to join our SG, we have to be a good enough group for you think it's worth your gaming time to hang with us.
Northern Fire
Welcome to the team.
Welcome to the sqaud. See you online soon.
Lt. Harris
Welcome to our little collective. Malokar, had a blast running missions and impromptu dance offs with you and the gang yesterday. Insidious and Lt. Harris, I'll be running something with you soon. Welcome again.
Toxic Force. Welcome to the team.
Dark Destroyer
Shadow Blade
Bionic Avenger.
Mr. Snuggles
Welcome to our little crew. Look forward to getting together with you all soon.
Dynomite Dragon
Emperor Vang
Mind Titan
Wind Maiden
Wired Science
Welcome into the fold. Looking forward to some fun in the upcoming weeks and we had a blast running some of the anniversary stuff this weekend.
S.E.C.R.E.T. would also like to announce they that we are now using Vent for chat.
You have 3 toons. Which do you want invited?
Welcome to the group and I look forward to gaming with you soon.
Herr Trigger
Oren Schezar